2735 Hassert Blvd. Ste. 135 PMB304
Naperville, IL 60564
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Illinois Digital Educators Alliance
2735 Hassert Blvd. Ste. 135 PMB 304
Naperville, IL 60564
(630) 628-1088
Illinois Digital Educators Alliance
PO Box 2599
Palatine, IL 60078-2599
Join us for a walkthrough of ParentSquare’s most utilized features and questions for teachers. Learn how a unified communication platform can replace multiple tools and streamline classroom tasks like parent-teacher conferences, attendance reports, forms and permission slips, and more. Attendees will learn how to communicate more effectively with families to build engagement. Illinois educators can earn 1 PDH for attending this webinar live.
In this webinar with CodeHS, participants will focus on nurturing critical thinking in the AI era. Learn effective strategies to teach students how to question and critically evaluate AI-generated content, fostering a discerning mindset essential for navigating the complexities of technology. Illinois educators can earn 1 PDH for attending this webinar live.
What role should learners play in designing the learning experience? Can teachers let every student in their classroom lead their own learning and reach their growth potential? Join IDEA Northern Suburbs Chapter and Lake Forest Country Day School as we explore these questions and the intersection between Universal Design for Learning and Student Led Learning.
2735 Hassert Blvd. Ste. 135 PMB304
Naperville, IL 60564
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