2735 Hassert Blvd. Ste. 135 PMB304
Naperville, IL 60564
The IDEA Board(s) provides policy leadership, chapter representation and fiscal oversight for the organization. Serving on the board as a volunteer leader is a commitment of expertise and time that requires an understanding of board governance and best practices in education, including the integration and use of educational technology tools and practices.
IDEA Board candidates who know our organization and epitomize multiple groups within the IDEA community, such as our local chapters, corporate partners, higher education, K-12, administrators and global members. In this way, the board intends to ensure that the
voices and concerns of these groups, as well as others, are represented.
Interested in serving on IDEA's Governing Board? Reach out to Stefanie at scrawford@ideaillinois.org to learn more!
2735 Hassert Blvd. Ste. 135 PMB304
Naperville, IL 60564
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